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Yura Yura Penguin (2019) Board Game

Yura Yura Penguin is a dexterity game released in 2019 by designer Yabuchi Ryoko. With its charming artwork and simple gameplay, it has quickly become a popular choice for families and casual gamers alike.

Game Components of Yura Yura Penguin

  • Penguin figurines
  • Iceberg pieces
  • Fish tokens
  • Dice
  • How To Setup Yura Yura Penguin

  • Place the iceberg pieces in the center of the table to form a base.
  • Each player takes a certain number of penguin figurines.
  • Scatter the fish tokens around the iceberg.
  • Roll the dice to determine the starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Yura Yura Penguin, players take turns stacking penguin figurines on the iceberg without causing it to tip over. The objective is to strategically place your penguins while also trying to knock off your opponents’ penguins.

    Player Experience


  • Quick setup and gameplay
  • Suitable for all ages
  • Encourages strategic thinking and hand-eye coordination
  • Cons

  • Can be frustrating if the iceberg tips easily
  • Limited replay value for more experienced gamers
  • Components may not be the most durable
  • Personal Thoughts on Yura Yura Penguin

    Yura Yura Penguin is a fun and lighthearted game that is perfect for family game nights or casual gatherings. While it may not offer the depth of strategy found in more complex games, its simplicity and charm make it a worthwhile addition to any game collection. The build quality is decent, though some players may find the components a bit flimsy. Pricing and availability for both new and used copies vary, so it’s worth shopping around to find the best deal. Overall, Yura Yura Penguin is a game that is definitely worth your time if you enjoy action and dexterity games. It’s suitable for players of all ages, but more serious gamers may find it lacking in complexity. If you’re looking for a light-hearted game to enjoy with friends and family, Yura Yura Penguin is a great choice.

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