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Yomi (2011) Board Game

Yomi is a card game designed by David Sirlin and released in in 2011. It is a unique blend of bluffing and strategy, where players take on the roles of different characters from a video game world. With its roots in fighting games, Yomi offers an interesting twist on traditional card games by incorporating elements of hand management and variable player powers.

Game Components of Yomi

  • A deck of character cards
  • A set of poker chips for tracking life points
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Yomi

  • Shuffle the character cards and deal each player a starting hand.
  • Set the life point trackers to the agreed-upon starting value.
  • Choose characters and prepare to battle!
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Yomi, players take turns playing cards from their hands to attack, block, or counter their opponent’s moves. The objective is to outsmart your opponent by predicting their next move and responding accordingly. Each character has unique abilities and strengths, adding depth to the gameplay.

    Player Experience


  • Strategic depth and replayability
  • Exciting bluffing mechanics
  • Varied character abilities for different playstyles
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Luck can play a factor in card draws
  • Personal Thoughts on Yomi

    Yomi is a well-crafted game that caters to fans of both card games and fighting games. The build quality is solid, with durable cards and components that can withstand frequent play. While the game may not be for everyone due to its complexity, it offers a rewarding experience for those willing to invest the time to master its strategies.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Yomi can be found both new and used, with prices varying depending on the edition and condition of the game. For those looking for alternatives or similar games, Yomi is a great choice for fans of bluffing games or those interested in exploring the world of video game-themed card games.

    Overall, Yomi is worth your time if you enjoy strategic gameplay and are looking for a unique card game experience. It is recommended for players who enjoy a challenge and are willing to put in the effort to improve their skills. However, those who prefer simpler, luck-based games may want to skip Yomi in favor of more straightforward card games.

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