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World at War: Blood and Bridges (2008) Board Game

World at War: Blood and Bridges is a board game released in 2008, designed by Olivier Revenu and Marc von Martial. It falls under the categories of Aviation/Flight, Modern Warfare, and Wargame, making it a strategic and intense gaming experience. The game is for 2 players and has a runtime of approximately 90 minutes.

Game Components of World at War: Blood and Bridges

  • Chit-Pull System
  • Dice Rolling
  • Hexagon Grid
  • How To Setup World at War: Blood and Bridges

  • Lay out the hexagon grid board.
  • Place the chit-pull tokens in a central area.
  • Each player selects their faction and takes their corresponding pieces.
  • Determine the starting player.
  • Begin gameplay.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    The game revolves around strategic movement and combat, with players using chits to determine actions and dice for combat resolution. The objective is to outmaneuver and defeat your opponent’s forces to secure victory.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging strategic gameplay
  • Immersive modern warfare theme
  • Chit-pull system adds unpredictability
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Limited replayability once strategies are mastered
  • Personal Thoughts on World at War: Blood and Bridges

    World at War: Blood and Bridges offers a deep and challenging gaming experience for enthusiasts of modern warfare and strategy games. The build quality is solid, and the artwork by Lock ‘n Load Publishing, LLC. is top-notch. However, the game may not appeal to casual gamers due to its complexity and lengthy playtime.

    In terms of pricing and availability, World at War: Blood and Bridges can be found both new and used, with prices varying depending on the condition. For fans of the genre, it may be worth the investment, but those looking for a more casual gaming experience may want to consider alternatives.

    Overall, World at War: Blood and Bridges is a game that rewards strategic thinking and offers a deep dive into the world of modern warfare. It is best suited for players who enjoy intense, tactical gameplay and are willing to invest the time to master its complexities.

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