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With It Or On It (2019) Board Game

With It Or On It is a board game released in 2019 that focuses on ancient warfare and strategic gameplay. Designed by Amabel Holland and Mark Mahaffey, the game offers a unique blend of dice rolling, grid movement, and simulation mechanics set in a historical context.

Game Components of With It Or On It

  • 1 Game Board
  • 96 Wood Blocks
  • 2 Player Aids
  • 18 Battle Cards
  • 22 Terrain Tiles
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup With It Or On It

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Distribute the wood blocks to each player.
  • Shuffle the battle cards and place them face down.
  • Arrange the terrain tiles around the game board.
  • Follow the setup instructions in the rulebook to prepare for gameplay.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    With It Or On It is a two-player game where players take on the roles of ancient warriors. The objective is to strategically maneuver your troops, engage in battles, and conquer your opponent’s forces. The game involves dice rolling to determine combat outcomes, grid movement to navigate the battlefield, and line of sight mechanics to plan tactical moves.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging strategic gameplay
  • Historical theme adds depth to the experience
  • Variety of mechanics keep gameplay dynamic
  • Cons

  • Learning curve may be steep for new players
  • Luck factor in dice rolling can influence outcomes significantly
  • Personal Thoughts on With It Or On It

    With It Or On It offers a unique blend of historical context and strategic gameplay that will appeal to fans of wargames. The build quality of the components is solid, and the artwork by Hollandspiele adds to the immersive experience. While the game may not be suitable for everyone due to its complexity and reliance on luck, it is worth exploring for players who enjoy deep strategic challenges. Pricing and availability for both new and used copies vary, so it’s important to shop around for the best deal. Alternatives to With It Or On It include other wargames with similar mechanics, but this game stands out for its thematic focus on ancient warfare. Overall, With It Or On It is a worthwhile addition to any board game collection for those who appreciate strategic depth and historical themes.

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