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Wide World (1956) Board Game

Wide World is a board game that was released in 1956 by Parker Brothers. It is an aviation and transportation-themed game that allows players to experience the excitement of traveling around the world. The game has been enjoyed by players of all ages for decades and continues to be a popular choice for game nights.

Game Components of Wide World

  • Game board
  • Playing pieces (planes)
  • Destination cards
  • Money
  • Dice
  • How To Setup Wide World

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a playing piece (plane) and places it on the starting space.
  • Shuffle the destination cards and place them face down in a pile.
  • Give each player an equal amount of money to start the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Wide World, players take turns rolling the dice and moving their planes around the board to different destinations. The objective of the game is to be the first player to visit all the destinations on your destination cards and return to the starting space.

    Player Experience


  • Easy to learn and play
  • Engaging theme of aviation and travel
  • Suitable for players of all ages
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value
  • Lack of strategic depth
  • Personal Thoughts on Wide World

    Wide World is a classic board game that offers a fun and lighthearted gaming experience. While it may not have the depth of more modern board games, it is still a great choice for family game nights or casual gaming sessions. The build quality of the game is solid, and the artwork is charming. Pricing and availability for both new and used copies of Wide World vary, but it can often be found at reasonable prices. If you enjoy games with an aviation or travel theme, Wide World is definitely worth your time. It is suitable for players of all ages, but those looking for more strategic gameplay may want to consider other options. Overall, Wide World is a nostalgic and enjoyable game that is sure to bring back memories of simpler times.

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