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What Do You Meme? (2016) Board Game

What Do You Meme? is a card game that was released in 2016 and quickly gained popularity among party game enthusiasts. The game was designed by Elie Ballas, Ben Kaplan, and Elliot Tebele, and features artwork by a team of talented artists. It is classified as a humor mature/adult party game and is recommended for players aged 17 and older. The game is known for its hilarious meme-themed content and is perfect for gatherings with friends and family.

Game Components of What Do You Meme?

  • 360 caption cards
  • 75 photo cards
  • An easel for displaying the photo cards
  • Instructions
  • How To Setup What Do You Meme?

  • Shuffle the caption cards and photo cards separately.
  • Each player draws 7 caption cards.
  • Choose a player to be the judge for the first round.
  • The judge draws a photo card and displays it on the easel.
  • Players choose a caption card from their hand to pair with the photo card.
  • The judge selects the funniest caption card and awards a point to the player who submitted it.
  • The role of the judge rotates to the next player, and a new round begins.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    What Do You Meme? is a card game that involves hand management and simultaneous action selection. The objective of the game is to come up with the funniest caption to pair with the photo card displayed by the judge. Players must use their creativity and sense of humor to win points and ultimately be crowned the funniest player.

    Player Experience


  • Hilarious meme-themed content
  • Easy to learn and play
  • Great for parties and gatherings
  • Encourages creativity and humor
  • Cons:

  • Some may find the humor too mature or offensive
  • Replayability may decrease over time
  • Personal Thoughts on What Do You Meme?

    What Do You Meme? is a fantastic party game that never fails to bring laughs and entertainment to any gathering. The build quality of the cards is durable, and the artwork is well-done. The game is reasonably priced and widely available both new and used. Alternatives to What Do You Meme? include Cards Against Humanity and Apples to Apples. Overall, What Do You Meme? is definitely worth your time if you enjoy humor mature party games. It is perfect for adults looking to have a good time with friends and family. However, those who are easily offended or prefer more family-friendly games may want to skip this one.

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