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Westwärts (1995) Board Game

Westwärts is a board game released in 1995 that takes place in the American West during the era of transportation expansion. Designed by Christel Bewersdorff-Meyer and Andreas Dettelbach, the game allows 2-6 players to compete in building railways, stagecoach lines, and steamboat routes to connect various towns and cities.

Game Components of Westwärts

  • Game board depicting the American West
  • Player pieces representing different companies
  • Track tiles for building railways
  • Stagecoach and steamboat tokens
  • Event cards
  • Money tokens
  • How To Setup Westwärts

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a company and takes the corresponding pieces.
  • Shuffle the track tiles and place them face down.
  • Shuffle the event cards and place them face down.
  • Place the money tokens within reach of all players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Westwärts, players take turns choosing actions to build their transportation networks. They can lay track tiles to connect towns, purchase stagecoach and steamboat routes, or draw event cards that can affect gameplay. The objective is to earn the most money by efficiently building and expanding transportation routes.

    Player Experience


  • Strategic gameplay that requires planning and decision-making
  • Simultaneous action selection adds an element of competition
  • Thematic setting in the American West enhances immersion
  • Cons:

  • Some players may find the game rules complex initially
  • Luck of the draw with event cards can impact gameplay unpredictably
  • Personal Thoughts on Westwärts

    Westwärts is a solid board game with engaging gameplay and a unique theme. The build quality is durable, and the artwork by Spielteufel GmbH captures the essence of the American West. Pricing for both new and used copies can vary, but the game is worth the investment for fans of strategy games set in historical settings.

    For those who enjoy games with a mix of strategy and luck, Westwärts is a great choice. Players who appreciate thematic games and the challenge of building transportation networks will find this game enjoyable. However, those who prefer more straightforward gameplay or do not enjoy competitive strategy games may want to skip Westwärts in favor of other options.

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