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Warmaster Ancients (2005) Board Game

Warmaster Ancients is a historical miniatures wargame that was released in 2005 by Warhammer Historical Wargames Ltd. Designed by Jon Hodgson, the game focuses on battles from ancient and medieval times, allowing players to recreate historical conflicts using beautifully detailed miniatures.

Game Components of Warmaster Ancients

  • Rulebook
  • Miniatures
  • Dice
  • Measurement Movement templates
  • Scenario cards
  • How To Setup Warmaster Ancients

  • Set up the game board with terrain pieces.
  • Each player selects their army and places their miniatures on the board.
  • Shuffle the scenario cards and select one to determine the objective of the game.
  • Roll dice to determine initiative and begin gameplay.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Warmaster Ancients features dice rolling, line of sight mechanics, measurement movement, and scenario-based gameplay. The objective of the game is to strategically position your army, engage in combat with the enemy, and achieve the goals set out in the scenario card.

    Player Experience


  • Detailed miniatures bring the battles to life
  • Varied scenarios add replay value
  • Strategic gameplay requires careful planning
  • Cons:

  • Setup can be time-consuming
  • Learning curve for beginners
  • Large player count can lead to longer playtimes
  • Personal Thoughts on Warmaster Ancients

    Warmaster Ancients is a solid historical wargame that offers a deep and immersive gaming experience. The build quality of the miniatures and components is impressive, adding to the overall enjoyment of the game. While the game may not be suitable for casual gamers due to its complexity, it is a must-have for fans of ancient and medieval warfare.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Warmaster Ancients can be found both new and used online. While the game may be on the pricier side, the value it provides in terms of gameplay and historical accuracy makes it worth the investment.

    Alternatives and similar games to Warmaster Ancients include other historical wargames such as Warhammer Ancient Battles and Hail Caesar. If you enjoy strategic combat and historical accuracy, Warmaster Ancients is definitely worth your time. It is recommended for players who appreciate detailed miniatures, complex gameplay, and immersive historical settings. However, casual gamers or those looking for a lighter gaming experience may want to skip this one.

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