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Warfighter: The Private Military Contractor Card Game (2019) Board Game

Warfighter: The Private Military Contractor Card Game is a card game designed by Dan Verssen Games (DVG) and released in in 2019. It falls under the categories of card game, economic, modern warfare, and wargame. The game is designed for 1-6 players and has a playing time of 30-90 minutes. It is set in the world of private military contractors, where players take on the roles of mercenaries completing missions in various hotspots around the globe.

Game Components of Warfighter: The Private Military Contractor Card Game

  • Cards depicting weapons, gear, and missions
  • Dice for resolving combat
  • Player boards for tracking stats and progress
  • Tokens for various in-game actions
  • How To Setup Warfighter: The Private Military Contractor Card Game

  • Shuffle the deck of mission cards and draw a number equal to the number of players.
  • Each player chooses a contractor and takes their player board, along with starting gear and weapons.
  • Arrange the mission cards in ascending order of difficulty.
  • Follow the setup instructions on the mission card chosen.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Warfighter, players must work together to complete missions by strategically deploying their resources, managing their hands of cards, rolling dice to resolve combat, and maximizing their action points. The game objective is to successfully complete the mission assigned, which can vary from hostage rescues to neutralizing enemy forces.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging cooperative gameplay
  • Strategic decision-making
  • Immersive theme of modern warfare
  • Replayability with various missions and contractors
  • Cons:

  • Can be complex for new players
  • Some luck involved in dice rolling
  • Setup time can be lengthy
  • Personal Thoughts on Warfighter: The Private Military Contractor Card Game

    Warfighter: The Private Military Contractor Card Game offers a unique blend of card game mechanics with a military theme, making it a compelling choice for fans of both genres. The build quality of the components is solid, with detailed artwork on the cards adding to the immersion.

    The game falls into a niche category, appealing to players who enjoy tactical decision-making and cooperative gameplay. The pricing and availability of Warfighter may vary, but it can be worth the investment for those seeking a challenging and thematic gaming experience.

    For those interested in similar games, alternatives like Gloomhaven or Pandemic: Legacy offer comparable cooperative play experiences. Overall, Warfighter: The Private Military Contractor Card Game is worth your time if you enjoy tactical challenges and immersive themes of modern warfare. It may not be suitable for casual gamers or those looking for quick, light-hearted gameplay.

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