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Walk The Plank: Limited Edition (2017) Board Game

“Walk The Plank: Limited Edition” is a card game released in 2017 that puts players in the shoes of pirates trying to push their opponents off the plank. Designed by Felideus Bubastis and featuring artwork by Mayday Games, this game is all about humor and strategy in a pirate-themed setting.

Game Components of Walk The Plank: Limited Edition

  • 50 Cards
  • 16 Wooden Meeples
  • 1 Game Board
  • How To Setup Walk The Plank: Limited Edition

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the cards and deal a hand to each player.
  • Place the wooden meeples on the plank.
  • Decide who goes first.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns playing cards to move their opponents closer to the edge of the plank. The objective is to be the last pirate standing on the plank. With mechanics like Action Queue, Player Elimination, Simultaneous Action Selection, and Take That, the game can get quite intense and competitive.

    Player Experience


  • Quick gameplay (20 minutes runtime)
  • Easy to learn rules
  • Humorous and thematic
  • Cons:

  • Limited replayability
  • Player elimination might not appeal to everyone
  • Personal Thoughts on Walk The Plank: Limited Edition

    “Walk The Plank: Limited Edition” is a fun and lighthearted game that is perfect for casual game nights or family gatherings. The components are well-made, and the artwork adds to the overall theme of the game. However, the limited replayability and player elimination aspect might not be everyone’s cup of tea. In terms of pricing and availability, it’s relatively affordable and can be found both new and used.

    If you enjoy light strategy games with a touch of humor, “Walk The Plank: Limited Edition” is worth your time. It’s suitable for players aged 8 and above, and it’s a game that can be enjoyed by both children and adults. However, if player elimination games are not your thing, or if you prefer games with more depth and complexity, you might want to skip this one.

    Overall, “Walk The Plank: Limited Edition” is a solid choice for those looking for a quick and entertaining game with a pirate theme.

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