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VOC! Founding the Dutch East Indies Company (2002) Board Game

VOC! Founding the Dutch East Indies Company is a board game that takes players back to the 17th century, when the Dutch East India Company, or Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC), was established. The VOC was one of the first multinational corporations in the world and played a crucial role in European trade with Asia. Players take on the roles of investors in the VOC, competing to build trading posts, establish trade routes, and maximize profits in the lucrative spice trade.

Game Components of VOC! Founding the Dutch East Indies Company

  • Game board depicting the trading routes and ports of the Dutch East Indies
  • Player boards representing each investor’s holdings and investments
  • Cards representing trade goods, ships, and events
  • Wooden tokens for tracking resources and investments
  • How To Setup VOC! Founding the Dutch East Indies Company

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player selects a color and takes the corresponding player board and tokens.
  • Shuffle the trade goods cards and place them face down on the designated area of the board.
  • Set up the ships and events decks.
  • Determine the starting player and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In VOC! Founding the Dutch East Indies Company, players take turns investing in different aspects of the VOC, such as building trading posts, acquiring ships, and trading goods. The game revolves around negotiation and strategic decision-making, as players compete for control of valuable trade routes and resources. The objective is to accumulate the most wealth by the end of the game through smart investments and shrewd trading.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging historical theme that immerses players in the world of 17th-century trade.
  • Strategic depth with multiple paths to victory, including investing in infrastructure, expanding trade routes, or dominating certain markets.
  • Negotiation mechanics add an interactive element to gameplay, making each session dynamic and engaging.
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players, with complex rules and mechanics that may take time to grasp.
  • Limited player interaction outside of negotiation rounds, leading to potential downtime between turns.
  • Components may be on the fragile side, requiring careful handling to prevent damage.
  • Personal Thoughts on VOC! Founding the Dutch East Indies Company

    VOC! Founding the Dutch East Indies Company is a game that appeals to history buffs and strategy enthusiasts alike. The thematic immersion and strategic depth make it a rewarding experience for players willing to invest the time to master its mechanics. However, the steep learning curve and limited player interaction may deter more casual gamers. The game’s build quality is decent, but components could be sturdier for long-term durability. In terms of pricing and availability, VOC! Founding the Dutch East Indies Company may be on the pricier side due to its niche appeal and limited production runs. Overall, for those interested in historical trading and negotiation games, VOC! Founding the Dutch East Indies Company is worth checking out, but it may not be for everyone.

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