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Vittoria (1992) Board Game

Vittoria is a Napoleonic-themed wargame that was released in in 1992. Designed by Joy Cohn, Adolph Northen, and Mark Simonitch, this game is set during the Peninsular War and focuses on battles between the French and British forces. With a hexagon grid playing board, players must strategize and outmaneuver their opponents to emerge victorious in this historical conflict.

Game Components of Vittoria

  • Hexagon grid playing board
  • Various unit tokens representing French and British forces
  • Rulebook with instructions and historical background
  • Dice for combat resolution
  • How To Setup Vittoria

  • Place the hexagon grid board on a flat surface.
  • Each player selects a side to play as – either the French or British forces.
  • Place the unit tokens on the board according to the starting positions outlined in the rulebook.
  • Roll to determine who goes first.
  • Follow the rulebook for specific setup instructions and any additional components needed.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns moving their units across the board, engaging in combat with enemy forces, and strategically positioning their troops for tactical advantage. The objective is to defeat the opposing army by either capturing key objectives or eliminating their units.

    Player Experience


  • Historical theme provides an immersive experience for history buffs.
  • Hexagon grid adds a layer of strategic depth to gameplay.
  • Engaging gameplay that requires critical thinking and planning.
  • Cons

  • Limited replay value due to fixed scenarios and predetermined setups.
  • Rulebook may be dense and hard to follow for newcomers.
  • Two-player limit may restrict gameplay options for larger groups.
  • Personal Thoughts on Vittoria

    Vittoria is a solid wargame that offers a unique Napoleonic setting for players to immerse themselves in. The game components are well-made, and the historical accuracy adds to the overall experience. However, the lack of variability in scenarios and the learning curve for new players may deter some from fully enjoying the game. Additionally, the pricing and availability of Vittoria, both new and used, may vary, so it’s important to do some research before making a purchase. For fans of Napoleonic wargames and hexagon grid mechanics, Vittoria is definitely worth checking out. However, those looking for more flexibility in gameplay options or a simpler rule set may want to consider other alternatives in the wargaming genre.

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