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Vietnam 1965-1975 (1984) Board Game

Vietnam 1965-1975 is a wargame designed by Ted Koller and James Talbot, released in 1984 by Victory Games. The game is set during the Vietnam War, a conflict that took place between 1965 and 1975 in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Players take on the roles of either the United States or North Vietnamese forces, simulating the strategic and tactical decisions made during this turbulent period in history.

Game Components of Vietnam 1965-1975

  • Game board featuring a hexagon grid
  • Counter sheets with units representing troops, helicopters, and artillery
  • Dice for resolving combat and other actions
  • Rulebook outlining gameplay mechanics and strategies
  • How To Setup Vietnam 1965-1975

  • Place the game board on a flat surface
  • Separate and organize the counter sheets by faction
  • Each player chooses a side and places their units on the designated starting locations
  • Roll dice to determine the starting player
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns moving their units, engaging in combat, and strategically deploying resources to achieve their objectives. The primary goal is to control key areas on the map and eliminate enemy units to secure victory. Dice rolling and hidden unit deployment add an element of uncertainty and strategy to the gameplay.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging and immersive gameplay that captures the tension of the Vietnam War
  • Strategic depth and variety of options for players to explore
  • Historical accuracy in unit representation and scenario design
  • Cons

  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Lengthy playtime may be a drawback for some
  • Limited availability of the game in the market
  • Personal Thoughts on Vietnam 1965-1975

    Vietnam 1965-1975 offers a challenging and historically rich gaming experience for those interested in modern warfare and simulation games. The attention to detail in unit design and scenario planning adds to the authenticity of the gameplay. However, the game’s complexity and long playtime may deter casual players looking for a quick gaming session.

    In terms of build quality, the components are sturdy and well-designed, reflecting the game’s longevity since its release in in 1984. Pricing for new copies of Vietnam 1965-1975 may vary depending on availability, but it can be a worthwhile investment for collectors or enthusiasts of wargaming.

    For those who enjoy strategic warfare games and have the patience for a longer playtime, Vietnam 1965-1975 is worth considering. However, casual gamers or those seeking a quicker gameplay experience may want to explore alternatives with shorter playtimes. Overall, Vietnam 1965-1975 is a niche game that caters to a specific audience interested in the Vietnam War and wargaming.

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