Alt text: The cover of "VICTORY World War II" board game displaying a collage of combat-themed images, including soldiers in action, warplanes in flight, and naval ships with large guns, set against a backdrop of fiery explosions and smoke. The logo of Columbia Games and an item number, 3501, are in the bottom left corner, with the HMG logo in the bottom right corner.
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Victory: World War II (1998)

Victory: World War II

“Victory: World War II” is a 1998 board game published by Columbia Games. The game allows players to create and play fictional combat scenarios using linking maps and WW2 military units. It is a fast-paced strategy game that uses the popular Columbia Block System, where each unit is facing the player, not the opponent.

Game Components of Victory: World War II

The game includes:
– Blocks representing World War II units
– A set of four modular maps
– Linking maps for creating custom scenarios

Game Setup of Victory: World War II

Choose a map to play on.Each player selects their forces and places them on the map according to the scenario rules.Determine the starting positions of the units and roll for initiative.

Gameplay Mechanics of Victory: World War II

The game is played in turns, with each player taking turns moving their units and engaging in combat. Combat is resolved using the Columbia Block System, which is a simple and elegant system that handles fog of war, hit reduction, and combat results in one easy mechanic.

Game Objective of Victory: World War II

The goal of the game is to achieve victory by defeating the opponent’s forces and controlling key objectives on the map.

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