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Valda (2019) Board Game

Valda is a board game released in 2019 by Bannan Games. It is designed by Nathan Vermeulen and features artwork by Matthew Mizak and Batist Vermeulen. The game falls into the categories of Ancient, City Building, Dice, Fantasy, and Mythology, offering players a unique and engaging experience.

Game Components of Valda

  • Hexagon Grid Board
  • Dice
  • Player Tokens
  • Resource Tokens
  • Action Cards
  • Influence Tokens
  • How To Setup Valda

  • Place the hexagon grid board in the center of the table.
  • Distribute player tokens and resource tokens to each player.
  • Shuffle the action cards and place them face down.
  • Place influence tokens within reach of all players.
  • Determine the starting player and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Valda, players take on the role of ancient city builders competing to create the most prosperous city. Each player will take turns rolling dice, acquiring resources, and strategically placing buildings on the hexagon grid board. The game combines elements of dice rolling, area majority/influence, and open drafting to create a dynamic and challenging gameplay experience. The objective is to accumulate the most influence points by the end of the game through strategic building placement and resource management.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging gameplay that requires strategic thinking and decision-making.
  • Beautiful artwork and high-quality components.
  • Variety of gameplay mechanics keeps the game interesting and replayable.
  • Cons

  • Game may be complex for beginners or casual players.
  • Can be time-consuming, especially with a full player count.
  • Limited player interaction may not appeal to all gaming preferences.
  • Personal Thoughts on Valda

    Valda is a well-designed board game that offers a unique blend of gameplay mechanics and thematic elements. The build quality and artwork are top-notch, adding to the overall immersive experience. While the game may not be suitable for casual gamers or those looking for quick gameplay sessions, it is well worth the time and investment for players who enjoy strategic city building games. The pricing and availability of Valda may vary, but it is worth checking out both new and used copies to add to your collection. For fans of the ancient, fantasy, and mythology genres, Valda is a must-play. However, those who prefer more player interaction or lighter gameplay experiences may want to skip this title in favor of other games in a similar category.

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