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Vai lung thlan

Vai Lung Thlan

Vai Lung Thlan is a variety of the board game mancala played by the Mizo people of eastern India. The game is played on a board with 12 holes in two rows, and it is believed to have African origins, diffusing to South Asia with Islamic and Arabian culture by the end of the 1st millennium CE. The Mizo people, also known as the Lushai people, are predominantly found in the Indian state of Mizoram.

Why is Vai Lung Thlan Popular?

Vai Lung Thlan is a popular game among the Mizo people as it is a traditional board game that has been played for generations. The game is an essential part of their culture and is enjoyed by both sexes.

Game Components of Vai Lung Thlan

The game is played on a board with 12 holes in two rows, and each hole initially contains five beads. There are two big pits called storehouses, and the game is played with two rows of six small pits.

Game Setup of Vai Lung Thlan

Each player chooses a color and takes turns moving their pieces around the board.

Gameplay Mechanics of Vai Lung Thlan

The game is a mancala variant, and the objective is to accumulate more beads than your opponent. Players move their pieces around the board, capturing beads from their opponent’s pits and adding them to their own storehouses.

Game Objective of Vai Lung Thlan

The game is played until one player accumulates all the beads, and that player wins.

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