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Ultimate Werewolf: Extreme (2021) Board Game

Ultimate Werewolf: Extreme is a board game released in 2021 by Bézier Games. It is an extension of the popular party game Ultimate Werewolf, adding new roles and mechanics to enhance gameplay. Designed by Simon Aan and Christine Mitzuk, this version of the game is perfect for larger groups of 3 to 25 players, making it ideal for parties or game nights.

Game Components of Ultimate Werewolf: Extreme

  • Role cards
  • Reference cards
  • Tokens
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Ultimate Werewolf: Extreme

  • Shuffle the role cards and deal them out to each player.
  • Assign each player a role without revealing it to others.
  • Follow the instructions on the role cards to determine the game’s setup.
  • Begin the game with players taking turns and following the game’s mechanics.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Ultimate Werewolf: Extreme, players take on various roles, such as werewolves, villagers, or special characters with unique abilities. The objective of the game is for the villagers to identify and eliminate the werewolves before they are outnumbered. Through discussion, accusations, and voting, players must work together to uncover the werewolves’ identities while the werewolves try to remain hidden and eliminate villagers.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging gameplay that encourages social interaction and deduction skills
  • Suitable for large groups, making it perfect for parties or gatherings
  • Variety of roles and strategies keep the game fresh and exciting
  • Cons

  • Player elimination can lead to some players feeling left out if they are eliminated early in the game
  • Learning curve for new players may be steep due to the numerous roles and abilities
  • Personal Thoughts on Ultimate Werewolf: Extreme

    Ultimate Werewolf: Extreme offers a fun and immersive experience for players who enjoy bluffing, deduction, and social interaction games. The added roles and mechanics in this version add complexity and depth to the gameplay, making each session unique and exciting. The build quality of the components is sturdy, ensuring longevity and durability. While the game may not be suitable for everyone, those who enjoy strategy games with a hint of mystery and deception will find Ultimate Werewolf: Extreme worth their time.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Ultimate Werewolf: Extreme can be found both new and used online and in retail stores. It is competitively priced for the entertainment value it offers, making it a worthwhile investment for those who enjoy this genre of games.

    Overall, Ultimate Werewolf: Extreme is a game that caters to a specific audience of players who appreciate strategic thinking, social deduction, and immersive gameplay experiences. It is best enjoyed with a group of friends or family members who can fully engage in the game’s mechanics and role-playing aspects. However, those who prefer more straightforward or solo gameplay experiences may want to skip this game in favor of other options.

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