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Ultimate Combat! (1995) Board Game

Ultimate Combat! is a two-player collectible card game that was released in 1995 by Ultimate Games. The game is centered around combat sports and martial arts, and it has garnered a dedicated following over the years. With a playing time of around 30 minutes, Ultimate Combat! is suitable for players aged 10 and above.

Game Components of Ultimate Combat!

  • Collectible card game
  • Fighting theme
  • 2 players
  • How To Setup Ultimate Combat!

  • Each player selects a deck of cards.
  • Shuffle the decks and draw a starting hand.
  • Set up the play area with space for each player’s cards.
  • Determine who will go first.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Ultimate Combat!, players take on the role of fighters and engage in strategic battles using their decks of cards. The objective is to defeat your opponent by using various combat techniques and special moves. Players must carefully manage their resources and plan their attacks to come out victorious.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging gameplay that requires strategic thinking
  • Collectible components add depth to the game
  • Fast-paced matches keep players on their toes
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value for some players
  • Collectible nature may lead to costly investments
  • Personal Thoughts on Ultimate Combat!

    Ultimate Combat! offers a unique gaming experience for fans of combat sports and martial arts. The game’s build quality is solid, and the artwork on the cards is visually appealing. While the collectible nature of the game may deter some players due to the potential costs involved, those who enjoy deck-building games will find plenty to love in Ultimate Combat!

    In terms of pricing and availability, Ultimate Combat! can be found both new and used online. While the game may not be as well-known as some other collectible card games, it still holds its own in terms of gameplay and strategy. Players looking for an alternative to more mainstream card games may find Ultimate Combat! to be a refreshing change of pace.

    Ultimately, Ultimate Combat! is worth your time if you enjoy tactical card games and are interested in the combat sports theme. For casual players looking for a fun and engaging two-player game, Ultimate Combat! is a solid choice. However, those who are not fans of collectible card games may want to skip this one in favor of other gaming options.

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