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Turtles (1982) Board Game

Turtles is a board game released in 1982 by Entex Industries Inc. It is a maze game with a video game theme, where players navigate their turtles through obstacles to collect treasures.

Game Components of Turtles

  • Game board
  • Turtle pawns
  • Treasure tokens
  • Obstacle cards
  • How To Setup Turtles

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the obstacle cards and place them face down.
  • Each player chooses a turtle pawn and places it at the starting point.
  • Place the treasure tokens on their designated spots on the board.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns drawing obstacle cards that determine their movement through the maze. The objective is to navigate your turtle through the obstacles to collect treasures and reach the end of the maze first.

    Player Experience


  • Simple and easy to learn rules
  • Quick gameplay, ideal for a short gaming session
  • Cons:

  • Lack of depth in strategy
  • Limited replayability due to linear gameplay
  • Personal Thoughts on Turtles

    Turtles is a nostalgic game for those who grew up playing it in the 80s. However, the simplistic gameplay and lack of strategic depth may not appeal to modern board game enthusiasts. The build quality of the components is also not the best, which can be a downside for some players.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Turtles can be found on the secondary market for collectors but may not be worth the investment for casual gamers. There are other maze games with more engaging gameplay and better components available on the market that may be a better option for those looking for a similar experience. Overall, Turtles is a game that may be worth your time if you have a fondness for retro games, but others may want to skip it in favor of more modern and engaging options.

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