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Tschu-tschu, kleine Eisenbahn (2018) Board Game

Tschu-tschu, kleine Eisenbahn, released in 2018, is a children’s game designed by Felix Beukemann and published by HABA. The game is centered around trains and involves dice rolling and pick-up-and-deliver mechanics. With a runtime of 5-10 minutes and recommended for ages 3 and up, Tschu-tschu, kleine Eisenbahn is a quick and engaging game for young players.

Game Components of Tschu-tschu, kleine Eisenbahn

  • Game board
  • Wooden train pieces
  • Dice
  • Cards
  • How To Setup Tschu-tschu, kleine Eisenbahn

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Distribute the train pieces to each player.
  • Shuffle the cards and place them face down.
  • Roll the dice to determine the starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their train pieces along the tracks on the board. The objective is to pick up passengers and deliver them to their destinations before the other players. The game is simple and easy to understand, making it perfect for young children.

    Player Experience


  • Easy to learn and quick to play
  • Colorful and engaging for children
  • Teaches basic counting and strategy skills
  • Cons

  • Limited replay value for older players
  • Luck-based gameplay may frustrate some players
  • Components may not be as durable as expected
  • Personal Thoughts on Tschu-tschu, kleine Eisenbahn

    Tschu-tschu, kleine Eisenbahn is a fun and entertaining game for young children. The colorful design and simple gameplay make it appealing to its target audience. However, older players may find the game lacking in depth and replayability. The build quality of the components could be better, but considering the price point, it is still a decent value. Overall, Tschu-tschu, kleine Eisenbahn is worth considering for families with young children who enjoy train-themed games. Older players or those looking for more strategic gameplay may want to explore other options.

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