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Truth or Drink: The Card Game (2019) Board Game

Truth or Drink: The Card Game is a party game that was released in in 2019. It is designed for mature/adult audiences aged 21 and older, and it is meant to be a fun and entertaining way to get to know your friends better through a series of revealing questions and challenges.

Game Components of Truth or Drink: The Card Game

  • Deck of cards with truth questions and challenges
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Truth or Drink: The Card Game

  • Shuffle the deck of cards
  • Have each player take turns drawing a card and either answering the truth question or completing the challenge
  • The player can choose to drink if they do not want to answer the question or complete the challenge
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    The objective of Truth or Drink: The Card Game is to have fun and get to know your friends better through a series of revealing questions and challenges. The game involves player judging, where players are tasked with asking each other questions or challenges and judging their responses.

    Player Experience


  • Fun and entertaining way to get to know your friends
  • Easy to learn and play
  • Great for parties and gatherings
  • Cons

  • Limited replay value
  • Some questions/challenges might be too personal for some players
  • Personal Thoughts on Truth or Drink: The Card Game

    Truth or Drink: The Card Game is a fun and engaging party game that can liven up any gathering. However, the limited replay value and potentially personal questions/challenges may not be suitable for all players. In terms of build quality, the cards are durable and the game is well-designed. The pricing and availability of the game may vary, but it can be found both new and used. Alternatives to Truth or Drink: The Card Game include other party games like Cards Against Humanity or Never Have I Ever. Overall, if you enjoy party games and are looking for a new way to get to know your friends, Truth or Drink: The Card Game may be worth your time. However, if you prefer more lighthearted games or are uncomfortable with personal questions, you may want to skip this one.

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