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Trivial Pursuit: The 1980’s (1989) Board Game

Trivial Pursuit: The 1980’s is a board game released in 1989 by Parker Brothers. It is part of the popular Trivial Pursuit series, known for its trivia questions and challenging gameplay. This edition specifically focuses on questions related to the 1980s, making it a nostalgic trip for players who grew up during that era.

Game Components of Trivial Pursuit: The 1980’s

  • Game board
  • Question cards
  • Wedges
  • Die
  • Player tokens
  • Score cards
  • How To Setup Trivial Pursuit: The 1980’s

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Separate the question cards by category and shuffle them.
  • Each player chooses a token and places it on the starting space.
  • Decide on a player order.
  • The player whose turn it is rolls the die and moves their token accordingly.
  • If the player lands on a color-coded space, they must answer a question from that category.
  • Collect wedges for each correct answer and try to be the first player to collect all six wedges.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Trivial Pursuit: The 1980’s, players must answer trivia questions from various categories in order to collect wedges. The objective is to be the first player to collect all six wedges and make it to the center of the board to win the game.

    Player Experience


  • Nostalgic for those who grew up in the 1980s
  • Challenging trivia questions
  • Great for parties and group gatherings
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value once all questions are answered
  • Can be frustrating for players who are not familiar with the 1980s era
  • Personal Thoughts on Trivial Pursuit: The 1980’s

    Trivial Pursuit: The 1980’s is a fun and engaging game for those who enjoy testing their knowledge of 1980s pop culture and history. The gameplay can be intense and competitive, making it a great option for game nights or gatherings with friends. However, the game may not appeal to those who are not familiar with the 1980s era, as it heavily relies on knowledge from that time period.

    In terms of build quality, the components of the game are durable and well-made, ensuring that it will last through multiple play sessions. The pricing and availability of Trivial Pursuit: The 1980’s can vary, with both new and used versions available for purchase. For fans of 1980s trivia and nostalgia, this game is definitely worth your time. However, those who are not interested in that particular era may want to skip this game in favor of other trivia or party games.

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