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Trivial Pursuit: Genus Editie (1984) Board Game

Trivial Pursuit: Genus Editie is a Dutch edition of the popular trivia board game first released in in 1984. It was designed by Diset S.A., Horn Abbot International, and Parker Brothers. The game has since become a classic in the world of party games, challenging players with a wide range of trivia questions across different categories.

Game Components of Trivial Pursuit: Genus Editie

  • Game board
  • Question cards
  • Playing pieces
  • Category wedges
  • Dice
  • How To Setup Trivial Pursuit: Genus Editie

  • Place the game board in the center of the playing area.
  • Shuffle the question cards and place them in a stack.
  • Each player chooses a playing piece and places it on the starting space.
  • Place the category wedges in their designated spots on the board.
  • Determine who goes first and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their playing piece around the board. When landing on a colored space, they must answer a trivia question corresponding to that category. The objective is to collect all six category wedges by correctly answering questions in each category.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging gameplay that challenges players’ knowledge in various categories.
  • Perfect for game nights or gatherings with friends and family.
  • The competitive nature of the game keeps players engaged and entertained.
  • Cons:

  • The game can be challenging for those who are not well-versed in certain categories.
  • With a large number of players, the game can become lengthy and drawn out.
  • Personal Thoughts on Trivial Pursuit: Genus Editie

    Trivial Pursuit: Genus Editie is a timeless classic that offers a fun and challenging experience for players of all ages. The build quality of the game is sturdy and durable, ensuring that it will last for many game nights to come. While the pricing may vary for both new and used versions, the game is definitely worth the investment for those who enjoy trivia and party games.

    In terms of alternatives and similar games, Trivial Pursuit: Genus Editie stands out as a unique and engaging option in the world of trivia board games. It is a must-have for trivia enthusiasts and makes for a great addition to any game collection. However, those who are not fans of trivia or lengthy gameplay may want to skip this one.

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