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Trivial Pursuit: Digital Choice (2008) Board Game

Trivial Pursuit: Digital Choice is a digital adaptation of the classic board game, Trivial Pursuit. It was released in 2008 by Electronic Arts Inc. (EA), in collaboration with Hasbro, Parker Brothers, and Parker Spiele. The game combines the traditional trivia gameplay with a digital twist, allowing players to enjoy the game on a digital platform.

Game Components of Trivial Pursuit: Digital Choice

  • Digital game board
  • Question cards
  • Player tokens
  • Dice
  • Game rules
  • How To Setup Trivial Pursuit: Digital Choice

  • Set up the digital game board and turn on the game.
  • Choose player tokens and place them on the starting point.
  • Shuffle the question cards and place them within reach.
  • Roll the dice to determine who goes first.
  • Follow the game rules to progress through the board and answer trivia questions.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    The objective of Trivial Pursuit: Digital Choice is to be the first player to collect all six pie pieces by correctly answering trivia questions in various categories. Players take turns rolling the dice, moving around the board, and answering questions to earn pie pieces. The game combines luck with knowledge, making it engaging and challenging for players.

    Player Experience


  • Digital adaptation adds a modern twist to the classic game.
  • Wide range of trivia questions in different categories.
  • Interactive gameplay for players of all ages.
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value for players who have memorized the questions.
  • Digital platform may not appeal to traditional board game enthusiasts.
  • Personal Thoughts on Trivial Pursuit: Digital Choice

    Trivial Pursuit: Digital Choice is a fun and engaging game that offers a modern twist on the classic trivia experience. The digital platform adds an interactive element to the gameplay, making it enjoyable for players of all ages. While the game may have limited replay value for some, it is still a great option for family game nights or gatherings with friends. The build quality of the game is solid, and the pricing and availability of both new and used copies make it accessible to a wide audience. Overall, Trivial Pursuit: Digital Choice is worth your time if you enjoy trivia games and are looking for a digital option to play with friends and family. It is recommended for anyone who enjoys testing their knowledge and having fun in a social setting. Players who prefer traditional board games may want to skip this digital adaptation and stick to the original version of Trivial Pursuit.

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