Box cover for the "Tri-Trac" board game by Milton Bradley, showing a hand playing with triangular pieces on a track, with text indicating it is for ages 7 to adult and is a two-player strategy game.
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Tric Trac (1500)


Trictrac is a board game that has been played in France since the Middle Ages. It is a game of skill and chance that is similar to backgammon, but with some important differences in the rules. The game was very popular in France at the royal court and in aristocratic circles in the 17th and 18th centuries, and it experienced a renaissance during the Restoration before almost disappearing at the end of the 19th century.

Why is Trictrac Popular?

Trictrac’s gaming interest lies in its multiple combinations, the importance of decision-making, and its comprehensive rules which have been well documented and remained stable since the early 17th century. It requires constant attention from the players whether or not it is their turn. Its vocabulary, which is very rich, frequently occurs in French literature.

Game Components of Trictrac

– Trictrac board
– 30 checkers (15 for each player)
2 dice
– 3 small tokens for recording points

Game Setup of Trictrac

Each player starts with 15 checkers on their side of the board. The checkers are placed as follows: 2 on the 24-point, 5 on the 13-point, 3 on the 8-point, and 5 on the 6-point. The tokens start between the talons to indicate no points have been scored.

Gameplay Mechanics of Trictrac

Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their checkers around the board according to the rolls of the dice. The objective is to move all of your checkers off the board before your opponent does. Unlike backgammon, racing plays only a small role in Trictrac. A Trictrac board has twelve holes along the base of each side of the board used for scoring. For every twelve points a player scores, he moves a peg along the holes on his side of the board. When the peg reaches the hole at the base of the coin, the match is over. Three small tokens are used to record points. As a player acquires points, he moves a token to the tip of a triangle on the board.

Game Objective of Trictrac

The objective of Trictrac is to move all of your checkers off the board before your opponent does.

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