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Trekking the World (2020) Board Game

Trekking the World is a board game released in 2020 that allows players to travel around the globe, visiting famous landmarks and collecting souvenirs along the way. Designed by a team of talented individuals and published by Underdog Games, this game aims to combine education and entertainment by providing players with a fun and interactive way to learn about different cultures and destinations.

Game Components of Trekking the World

  • Game board featuring a world map with various destinations
  • Destination cards representing different landmarks
  • Player tokens representing travelers
  • Souvenir cards representing items collected during the journey
  • Score pads and pencils
  • Rulebook with instructions
  • How To Setup Trekking the World

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the destination cards and place them face down on the designated area on the board.
  • Each player chooses a token and places it on the starting point on the board.
  • Shuffle the souvenir cards and place them face down on the board.
  • Each player receives a score pad and pencil.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns moving their tokens around the board, visiting destinations and collecting souvenirs. They can also fulfill contracts by visiting specific landmarks or collecting sets of souvenirs. The objective of the game is to accumulate the most points by the end of the game, which is determined by the number and types of souvenirs collected.

    Player Experience


  • Educational and informative, teaching players about different cultures and landmarks.
  • Strategic elements with contract fulfillment and set collection.
  • Engaging gameplay that keeps players interested throughout.
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value once players have visited all destinations.
  • Some players may find the game mechanics repetitive after multiple plays.
  • Player interaction is limited, with minimal opportunities for direct competition.
  • Personal Thoughts on Trekking the World

    Trekking the World is a well-designed game that offers a unique blend of education and entertainment. While the game may lack replay value for some players, it still provides an enjoyable experience for those interested in travel and exploration. The build quality of the components is decent, and the game is priced reasonably for what it offers. It can be a great choice for families or casual gamers looking for a light and informative gaming experience. However, hardcore gamers may find it lacking in complexity and depth. Overall, Trekking the World is worth your time if you enjoy travel-themed games and are looking for a relaxing gaming experience. Players who prefer more strategic and competitive games may want to skip this one in favor of something with more depth and player interaction.

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