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Treasures & Traps (2006) Board Game

Treasures & Traps is a card game designed by C. Aaron Kreader and published by Pegasus Spiele in in 2006. The game is set in a fantasy world where players collect sets of treasures while avoiding dangerous traps.

Game Components of Treasures & Traps

  • 64 Treasure cards
  • 64 Trap cards
  • 8 Special cards
  • 6 Reference cards
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Treasures & Traps

  • Shuffle the Treasure and Trap cards separately.
  • Deal each player a hand of 7 cards.
  • Place the remaining cards in separate draw piles.
  • Place the Special and Reference cards within reach of all players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Treasures & Traps, players take turns drawing cards from the draw piles and playing them to collect sets of treasures. Players can also play Trap cards on opponents to hinder their progress. The objective of the game is to collect the most valuable sets of treasures by the end of the game.

    Player Experience


  • Quick gameplay with a runtime of 10 minutes
  • Strategic gameplay with set collection mechanics
  • Fantasy theme adds immersive elements
  • Suitable for 2-6 players, best with 3-4 players
  • Cons:

  • Limited replayability due to the fixed card set
  • Luck-based gameplay with card drawing mechanics
  • Minimal player interaction outside of playing Trap cards
  • Personal Thoughts on Treasures & Traps

    As a fan of card games with fantasy themes, I found Treasures & Traps to be an enjoyable experience. The artwork by C. Aaron Kreader is stunning, and the gameplay mechanics offer a good balance of strategy and luck. However, the limited replayability and lack of player interaction may deter some players looking for more depth in their gaming experience.

    In terms of build quality, the cards are durable and well-made, ensuring long-lasting gameplay sessions. The game is reasonably priced, making it accessible to a wide range of players. While Treasures & Traps may not be for everyone, it is worth trying out for fans of quick, light card games with a fantasy twist. Players who enjoy set collection mechanics and a bit of luck in their games will find this to be a suitable choice.

    Overall, Treasures & Traps is a solid addition to any game collection, offering a fun and engaging experience for those who appreciate its unique blend of fantasy and card game elements. It may not be the most complex or deep game out there, but it certainly has its charm and is worth checking out for those interested in a light and entertaining gaming experience.

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