A book cover with the title "Tracks to Telluride: Narrow Gauge Railroading in Western Colorado" featuring a black and white image of a mountainous terrain with overlayed red lines indicating rail tracks, and text at the bottom describing the historical context of the railways from 1873-1888.
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Tracks to Telluride (1994)

Tracks to Telluride

“Tracks to Telluride” is a railroad board game centered on the construction of railroad tracks and servicing mines along those tracks. The game is set in 19th century Colorado and was inspired by real-life railway construction during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The game was developed by John Bohrer, with playtesting by the Edgewood Gaming Group, the Trout to Telluride Club, and the Pittsburgh Smoking Engineers. It was first published in 1994, with an expansion, “Advanced Tracks to Telluride,” published in 1995.

Why is Tracks to Telluride Popular?

“Tracks to Telluride” is popular and significant due to its unique board construction mechanism, which consists of four sheets joined at each corner. The game is rich in history and offers a challenging and immersive experience for players. It has gained a strong following among board game enthusiasts and has been well-received by the board game community.

Game Components of Tracks to Telluride

The Game Components of Tracks to Telluride include:
– Board
– Railroad track pieces
– Mine tokens
– Engine tokens
– Money
– Resource cards
– Historical event deck

Game Setup of Tracks to Telluride

The Game Setup of Tracks to Telluride involves preparing the board, placing track pieces, and distributing resources to players. The game is designed for 2-6 players and has a playing time of approximately 2 hours.

Gameplay Mechanics of Tracks to Telluride

“Tracks to Telluride” is a resource allocation game where players construct railroad tracks, service mines, and manage their resources to build the most successful railroad empire. The game includes a historical event deck that adds an interesting twist to the gameplay, offering character-building experiences and challenges for players.

Game Objective of Tracks to Telluride

The Game Objective of Tracks to Telluride is to build the most successful railroad empire by constructing tracks, servicing mines, and managing resources effectively.

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