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Touria (2016) Board Game

Touria is a board game released in 2016 designed by Klemens Franz. It is a fantasy adventure game set in a medieval renaissance world where players take on the role of adventurers traveling through the kingdom of Touria in search of fame and fortune. The game features dice rolling, pick-up and deliver mechanics, and point-to-point movement as players navigate the map to complete quests and collect treasures.

Game Components of Touria

  • Game board
  • Player pawns
  • Dice
  • Quest cards
  • Treasure tokens
  • Village tiles
  • Market tiles
  • How To Setup Touria

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the quest cards and place them face down.
  • Each player selects a pawn and places it on the starting village tile.
  • Place the market tiles and treasure tokens on their designated spaces.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Touria, players take turns rolling dice to move around the board, completing quests, and collecting treasures. The objective is to earn the most fame points by the end of the game through successful quest completion and treasure collection. Players must strategize their movements and decisions to outwit their opponents and become the most legendary adventurer in Touria.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging theme and artwork
  • Strategic gameplay with various paths to victory
  • Quick gameplay with a runtime of 45-60 minutes
  • Suitable for 2-4 players, best with 2
  • Cons:

  • Limited replayability
  • Lack of depth in gameplay mechanics
  • Luck-based elements with dice rolling
  • Personal Thoughts on Touria

    Touria is a fun and visually appealing board game that offers a mix of adventure, strategy, and humor. While it may lack in replay value for some, it is a solid choice for casual gamers looking for a light-hearted and enjoyable gaming experience. The game’s components are well-made, and the theme of medieval fantasy adds to the overall immersion. However, the game’s simplicity may not appeal to more serious gamers looking for complex mechanics and deeper strategy. Overall, Touria is worth considering for those who enjoy fantasy adventure games and are looking for a game that is easy to learn and quick to play.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Touria can be found online and in select board game stores both new and used. As for alternatives and similar games, players who enjoy Touria may also like games such as Small World, Settlers of Catan, or Lords of Waterdeep. Ultimately, whether Touria is worth your time depends on your preferences for game complexity, theme, and player count. It is recommended for those who enjoy light strategy games with a fantasy adventure theme, while more hardcore gamers may find it lacking in depth.

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