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Tonkin: The First Indochina War (Second Edition) (2012) Board Game

Tonkin: The First Indochina War is a strategic wargame that simulates the conflict between the French Union and the Viet Minh communist revolutionaries in Vietnam during the First Indochina War (1946–1954). This war marked the beginning of France’s involvement in Vietnam and ultimately led to the partitioning of the country.

Game Components of Tonkin: The First Indochina War (Second Edition)

  • Board
  • Rulebook
  • Counters representing military units
  • Action cards
  • Dice
  • How To Setup Tonkin: The First Indochina War (Second Edition)

  • Place the board on a flat surface.
  • Each player chooses a side (French Union or Viet Minh) and takes the corresponding military units.
  • Shuffle the action cards and place them face down.
  • Place the dice within reach of both players.
  • Follow the setup instructions in the rulebook for positioning units on the board.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns moving their military units, engaging in combat, and executing special actions using action cards. The objective of the game varies depending on the scenario being played but generally involves achieving strategic goals such as capturing key locations or eliminating enemy units.

    Player Experience


  • Deep strategic gameplay that requires careful planning and decision-making.
  • Historical accuracy and attention to detail in the game design.
  • Engaging for players interested in military history and wargaming.
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players.
  • Long playtime may not be suitable for casual gamers.
  • Limited availability compared to more mainstream board games.
  • Personal Thoughts on Tonkin: The First Indochina War (Second Edition)

    Tonkin: The First Indochina War offers a complex and immersive experience for players looking to delve into the intricacies of this historical conflict. The game’s components are well-designed, and the attention to detail in the gameplay mechanics is commendable. However, the game’s niche appeal and high price point may deter some potential players.

    Overall, Tonkin: The First Indochina War is worth considering for serious wargamers and history enthusiasts who appreciate a deep and challenging gaming experience. However, casual players or those looking for a more light-hearted gaming experience may want to explore other options.

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