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Time War: A Game of Time Travel and Conflict (1979) Board Game

Time War: A Game of Time Travel and Conflict was released in 1979 by Yaquinto, and it is a science fiction board game that allows 2-4 players to engage in a battle across time and space. The game incorporates elements of area movement, dice rolling, secret unit deployment, simultaneous action selection, and tug of war mechanics to create a unique gaming experience.

Game Components of Time War: A Game of Time Travel and Conflict

The game comes with a board depicting different eras and locations, player tokens representing various factions, dice for combat resolution, cards for special abilities, and markers to track time travel and conflict points. The components are well-designed and durable, providing a visually appealing experience for players.

  • Board depicting different eras and locations
  • Player tokens representing factions
  • Combat dice
  • Ability cards
  • Markers for tracking time travel and conflict points
  • How To Setup Time War: A Game of Time Travel and Conflict

  • Place the board in the center of the table.
  • Each player selects a faction and takes the corresponding tokens and cards.
  • Place the markers for time travel and conflict points within reach.
  • Shuffle the ability cards and place them face down.
  • Determine the starting player and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Time War, players will use their factions to travel through time, engage in conflicts, and attempt to alter the course of history in their favor. The objective is to accumulate the most conflict points by strategically deploying units, utilizing special abilities, and outmaneuvering opponents in combat. The game is played over multiple rounds, with players making decisions simultaneously to create a dynamic and engaging experience.

    Player Experience


  • Unique theme of time travel and conflict
  • Strategic depth with multiple gameplay mechanics
  • Engaging player interaction and decision-making
  • High replay value with different factions and abilities to explore
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Lengthy gameplay with potential for analysis paralysis
  • Limited player count of 2-4 may limit group size
  • Personal Thoughts on Time War: A Game of Time Travel and Conflict

    Time War: A Game of Time Travel and Conflict offers a compelling and immersive gaming experience for fans of science fiction and strategic board games. The components are well-crafted, and the gameplay mechanics provide a challenging and rewarding experience for players. While the game may not be suitable for casual gamers due to its complexity, enthusiasts of the genre will find it worth their time and investment.

    Overall, Time War is a solid choice for those looking for a thematic and strategic board game experience. Its availability in the market may vary, but it is worth seeking out for those interested in exploring the concept of time travel and conflict in a tabletop setting. Players who enjoy games with deep strategy and player interaction will find Time War to be a worthwhile addition to their collection.

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