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Tides of Time (2015) Board Game

Tides of Time is a card drafting game designed by Kristian Čurla and published by Portal Games in in 2015. The game is set in an ancient civilization theme where players compete to build the most prosperous and powerful empire.

Game Components of Tides of Time:

  • 18 large illustrated cards
  • 4 reference cards
  • 1 score pad
  • How To Setup Tides of Time:

  • Shuffle the deck of 18 cards.
  • Deal 5 cards to each player.
  • Place the rest of the deck in the center of the table to draw from.
  • Choose a starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective:

    In Tides of Time, players take turns drafting cards from the common deck and building their civilizations. Each card represents a different aspect of the civilization, such as military, economy, or culture. Players must strategically choose cards that synergize well together to score the most points.

    The objective of the game is to have the most points after three rounds of drafting cards.

    Player Experience:


  • Quick gameplay, perfect for a short gaming session.
  • Beautiful artwork on the cards.
  • Strategic depth in card drafting and set collection.
  • Cons:

  • Limited replayability due to the small deck of cards.
  • Lack of player interaction.
  • Personal Thoughts on Tides of Time:

    Tides of Time is a well-designed card game with beautiful artwork and strategic depth. However, the limited number of cards may reduce its replayability in the long run. The game is great for casual gamers looking for a quick and easy-to-learn game, but more hardcore gamers may find it lacking in depth.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Tides of Time is reasonably priced for what it offers. It is available in both new and used conditions, making it accessible to a wide range of players.

    Overall, Tides of Time is worth checking out for fans of card drafting games and ancient civilization themes. However, if you’re looking for a game with more complexity and player interaction, you may want to explore other options in the genre.

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