Think ‘n Sync: The Great Minds Think Alike Game (2017) Board Game
Released in 2017 by Gamewright, Think ‘n Sync: The Great Minds Think Alike Game is part of the Port-A-Party series. It is a party game that challenges players to think alike and sync their answers to score points. The game is designed for 3-8 players aged 12 and up, with a runtime of approximately 20 minutes.
Game Components of Think ‘n Sync: The Great Minds Think Alike Game
How To Setup Think ‘n Sync: The Great Minds Think Alike Game
To set up the game, grab a pencil and paper for scoring, and choose a player to be the scorekeeper. Place the deck of cards and the scoring tokens in the middle of the table. The player who most recently drank a cola becomes the first reader. The role of the reader rotates among players each turn, with the next two players to the left of the reader becoming the “syncers.”
Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective
– The reader draws a category card and reads the main category and sub-categories.
– The reader counts down “3…2…1…” and both syncers shout out their answers simultaneously.
– If both syncers give the same answer, each receives a scoring token.
– Players earn one point per token.
– The game continues until all players have been the reader twice, and the player with the highest score wins.
Player Experience
Think ‘n Sync is a hilarious and quick-paced game that encourages rapid thinking and creativity. Players love its simplicity and the fun it brings, especially in larger groups or family gatherings. The game is easy to learn, portable, and can be enjoyed by a wide range of ages. It fosters cooperation and teamwork while providing a light-hearted, entertaining experience.
Personal Thoughts on Think ‘n Sync: The Great Minds Think Alike Game
Think ‘n Sync is perfect for those looking for a light-hearted, easy-to-play party game that can be enjoyed by all ages. It’s a great addition to any game night or family gathering, encouraging teamwork, creativity, and quick thinking. While it may lack depth in terms of strategy, it excels in providing a fun and engaging experience that keeps players laughing and entertained.
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