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The Pioneers Program (2017) Board Game

The Pioneers Program is a city-building board game released in in 2017. Designed by Mihajlo Dimitrievski and featuring art by GCT Studios, the game is set in a futuristic world where players compete to build the most successful city.

Game Components of The Pioneers Program

  • Game board
  • Player boards
  • Resource tokens
  • Building cards
  • Dice
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup The Pioneers Program

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a player board and takes the corresponding resources and building cards.
  • Shuffle the building cards and place them face down on the board.
  • Roll the dice to determine the starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns rolling dice, collecting resources, and building structures in their city. The objective is to create the most prosperous and efficient city by strategically managing resources and constructing buildings.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging city-building mechanics
  • Strategic gameplay with multiple paths to victory
  • Beautiful artwork and components
  • Replayability with variable phase order
  • Cons

  • Game can be complex for new players
  • Luck of dice rolls can heavily influence gameplay
  • Personal Thoughts on The Pioneers Program

    The Pioneers Program is a well-designed city-building game with a futuristic theme that offers a unique gameplay experience. The deck, bag, and pool building mechanics add depth and complexity to the game, making each playthrough different and engaging. The artwork and components are top-notch, immersing players in the futuristic world of the game.

    In terms of pricing and availability, The Pioneers Program is moderately priced for the quality of components and gameplay it offers. It is worth the investment for fans of city-building and strategy games who are looking for a challenging and immersive experience.

    For whom: Fans of city-building and strategy games
    Who should skip: Players who prefer lighter, luck-based games

    Overall, The Pioneers Program is a game that is worth your time if you enjoy deep strategy and immersive gameplay. It offers a rewarding experience for players who are willing to invest time and effort into mastering its mechanics.

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