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The Lash of the Turk (2011) Board Game

The Lash of the Turk is a wargame set in the Renaissance period, designed by Terry Leeds and released in in 2011. The game focuses on the conflict between the Ottoman Empire and the European powers of the time. Players take on the roles of military commanders and strategize to gain control over territories and resources.

Game Components of The Lash of the Turk

  • Hexagon grid game board
  • Dice for combat resolution
  • Counters representing military units
  • Rulebook with detailed instructions
  • How To Setup The Lash of the Turk

  • Place the hexagon grid game board on a flat surface.
  • Each player selects a side to play as – Ottoman Empire or European powers.
  • Place the military unit counters on the designated starting positions.
  • Roll dice to determine the starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns moving their military units across the board, engaging in combat to gain control of territories. The objective is to strategically outmaneuver the opponent and capture key locations to secure victory.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging strategic gameplay
  • Historical theme adds depth to the experience
  • Hexagon grid provides interesting tactical decisions
  • Cons:

  • Lengthy runtime of 360 minutes may be off-putting for some players
  • Limited replayability due to fixed scenarios
  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Personal Thoughts on The Lash of the Turk

    The Lash of the Turk offers a deep dive into the historical conflicts of the Renaissance period, making it a unique and immersive experience for history buffs. The components are well-designed, with detailed artwork that enhances the theme. However, the lengthy gameplay time and limited replayability may deter casual gamers. Overall, the game is worth exploring for those interested in the era and enjoy strategic wargames.

    In terms of pricing and availability, The Lash of the Turk can be found in the secondary market for collectors. As an alternative, players may also consider similar games in the wargame genre such as Commands & Colors: Ancients or Quartermaster General:

  • Ultimately, whether The Lash of the Turk is worth your time depends on your preferences for historical wargames and dedication to lengthy gameplay sessions. Players who enjoy deep strategy and historical immersion will likely find it rewarding, while those seeking quick, casual gameplay may want to skip it.
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