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The House on the Borderland (2020) Board Game

“The House on the Borderland” is a board game based on the classic horror novel of the same name by William Hope Hodgson. The game takes players on a thrilling journey through a mysterious house filled with otherworldly creatures and terrifying events. Designed by Commode Ministrels in Bullface, Manifester, and Victoria Shen, the game offers a unique and immersive experience for fans of horror and fantasy.

Game Components of The House on the Borderland:

  • Game board depicting the eerie house
  • Various tokens representing characters and monsters
  • Cards for events and actions
  • Dice for resolving conflicts and challenges
  • Rulebook with instructions and background information
  • How To Setup The House on the Borderland:

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the event and action cards, placing them in designated piles.
  • Distribute player tokens to each player.
  • Roll to determine the starting player.
  • Begin the game by following the instructions in the rulebook.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective:

    Players move their tokens through the house, encountering events and challenges along the way. They must use strategy and luck to overcome obstacles and reach the final goal. The objective is to survive the horrors of the house and escape with your sanity intact.

    Player Experience:


  • Immersive theme that captures the atmosphere of the novel
  • Strategic gameplay with a mix of luck and skill
  • Engaging and tense moments as players navigate through the house
  • Cons:

  • High level of randomness can sometimes lead to frustrating outcomes
  • Limited player interaction may leave some feeling isolated during the game
  • Personal Thoughts on The House on the Borderland:

    As a fan of horror and fantasy, I found The House on the Borderland to be a thrilling and immersive experience. The game’s design and components are top-notch, drawing players into the eerie world of the novel. While the randomness of the game can be frustrating at times, the tense moments and strategic decisions make up for it. Overall, I believe the game is worth your time if you enjoy horror-themed board games and are looking for a unique and challenging experience. However, those who prefer heavy player interaction may want to skip this one in favor of more social games.

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