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The Great Battles of Alexander: Macedonian Art of War (2015) Board Game

The Great Battles of Alexander: Macedonian Art of War is a board game released in 2015 by GMT Games. It is a wargame that allows players to recreate the historic battles led by Alexander the Great, known for his strategic prowess and military conquests. The game focuses on the tactics and maneuvers used by Alexander and his armies during their campaigns.

Game Components of The Great Battles of Alexander: Macedonian Art of War

  • Game board with hexagon grid
  • Counters representing units and leaders
  • Dice
  • Rulebook
  • Player aids
  • How To Setup The Great Battles of Alexander: Macedonian Art of War

  • Place the game board on a flat surface.
  • Distribute the counters to represent the different units and leaders.
  • Roll dice to determine starting positions and initiative.
  • Follow the setup instructions provided in the rulebook.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    The game uses a chit-pull system for activation, with players taking turns moving their units and engaging in combat. The objective is to strategically position your units, utilize terrain to your advantage, and defeat the opposing army to achieve victory.

    Player Experience


  • Offers a deep strategic experience for players interested in historical warfare.
  • Provides a challenging and immersive gameplay environment.
  • Allows for multiple players to engage in intense battles.
  • Cons:

  • The game has a long runtime of 240 minutes, which may not be suitable for players looking for a quicker experience.
  • The rules can be complex and may require multiple playthroughs to fully grasp.
  • Personal Thoughts on The Great Battles of Alexander: Macedonian Art of War

    The Great Battles of Alexander: Macedonian Art of War is a well-designed wargame that captures the essence of ancient warfare. The components are high quality and the gameplay mechanics offer a rewarding experience for history enthusiasts. While the game may not appeal to casual gamers due to its complexity and runtime, it is definitely worth the time investment for players who enjoy in-depth strategic gameplay.

    In terms of pricing and availability, the game may be on the higher end due to its niche category and limited production. However, for those interested in ancient warfare and tactical challenges, it is a worthwhile investment. Alternatives and similar games include other historical wargames like Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage and Commands & Colors: Ancients. Players who enjoy strategic depth and historical accuracy will find The Great Battles of Alexander: Macedonian Art of War to be a rewarding addition to their collection.

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