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The Game of Shakespeare (1966) Board Game

The Game of Shakespeare is a board game that was released in 1966 by The Avalon Hill Game Co. It is a trivia game that tests players’ knowledge of Shakespearean plays and characters. The game has been popular among fans of Shakespeare and trivia games for over 50 years.

Game Components of The Game of Shakespeare

  • Game board
  • Trivia cards
  • Dice
  • Player tokens
  • Score sheets
  • How To Setup The Game of Shakespeare

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the trivia cards and place them face down on the designated space on the board.
  • Each player selects a player token and places it on the start space.
  • Roll the dice to determine who goes first.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their tokens around the board. When they land on a trivia space, they draw a card and answer a question about Shakespeare. The objective of the game is to be the first player to reach the finish space after correctly answering a set number of questions.

    Player Experience


  • Educational and fun way to learn about Shakespearean plays
  • Engaging gameplay for fans of trivia and Shakespeare
  • Suitable for a wide range of ages, from 10 and up
  • Cons

  • Limited replay value for players who are already familiar with Shakespeare
  • Can be challenging for those who are not well-versed in Shakespearean works
  • Personal Thoughts on The Game of Shakespeare

    The Game of Shakespeare is a classic board game that offers a unique blend of trivia and entertainment. The game is well-designed and provides a fun way to test your knowledge of Shakespeare’s plays and characters. While it may not have the same appeal for everyone, it is definitely worth a try for fans of Shakespeare and trivia games. The game’s availability can vary, but it can often be found online or in specialty board game stores. Overall, The Game of Shakespeare is a worthwhile addition to any game collection for those interested in Shakespearean literature and trivia.

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