Board game box titled "The First Galaxy 1" featuring space-themed graphics including a spiral galaxy, spaceships, and game features listed as space rockets, warp drive, battle stations, fuel cells, black hole, hyper space, laser bolts, and defense shield.
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First Galaxy G1 (1985)


The First Galaxy G1: A Classic Science Fiction Board Game

Why is The First Galaxy G1 Popular?

The game is significant because it was one of the first science fiction board games to be published and was well-received by players. It has since become a collector’s item and is considered a classic board game.

Game Components of The First Galaxy G1

– Game board
– Player pieces
– Laser tokens
– Fuel tokens
– Supply station tokens
– Black hole token
– Dice

Game Setup of The First Galaxy G1

Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding player pieces, laser tokens, and fuel tokens. The supply station tokens are placed on the board. The black hole token is placed on the board. Players roll the dice to determine who goes first.

Gameplay Mechanics of The First Galaxy G1

Players move their pieces around the board, attacking other players with lasers and managing their fuel supply. Players can collect fuel from supply stations on the board. The black hole on the board can be used strategically to trap other players. The game ends when one player has destroyed all other players’ pieces.

Game Objective of The First Galaxy G1

The objective of the game is to be the last player with pieces remaining on the board.

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