A collage of newspaper clippings and photographs related to the Vietnam War with headlines such as "South Viet Nam: Holding On" and "THE FALL OF SOUTH VIETNAM." The images include photographs of soldiers, helicopters, and maps, capturing scenes from the conflict.
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The Fall of South Vietnam: A Game of Combat in South Vietnam – 1973-1975 (1981)

The Fall of South Vietnam

“The Fall of South Vietnam” is a board game that focuses on the events and conflicts during the final years of the Vietnam War, specifically the attempt by the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) to capture Saigon and end the war.

Why is The Fall of South Vietnam Popular?

The game is popular and significant because it offers players a unique opportunity to revisit and experience the complexities of the Vietnam War. It provides an engaging and educational experience for history enthusiasts and wargame enthusiasts alike. The game has gained popularity due to its realistic gameplay, attention to detail, and the fact that it covers a lesser-known aspect of the Vietnam War.

Game Components of The Fall of South Vietnam

The game includes various components such as:
– Map of South Vietnam
– Counters for South Vietnamese infantry divisions, NVA units, and other forces
– Cards representing various events and actions
– Dice for determining the outcome of combat and other actions

Game Setup of The Fall of South Vietnam

To set up the game, players place the map of South Vietnam in the center of the table. Each player is assigned a set of counters and cards, and the game proceeds through a series of turns, with players taking turns to move their units and execute actions.

Gameplay Mechanics of The Fall of South Vietnam

The game is played in turns, with each turn consisting of several phases. Players move their units, engage in combat, and use cards to execute various actions. The game is won by the player who can control the most provinces and prevent the NVA from capturing Saigon.

Game Objective of The Fall of South Vietnam

The objective of the game is to control the provinces of South Vietnam and prevent the North Vietnamese Army from capturing Saigon. Players take on the roles of South Vietnamese forces, NVA units, and other factions, aiming to achieve their respective objectives.

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