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The Dinosaur Game: Survival or Extinction (1995) Board Game

“The Dinosaur Game: Survival or Extinction” was released in 1995 by Latz Chance Games. It is a children’s game that combines educational elements with prehistoric themes. The game focuses on the concept of survival of the fittest in a world filled with dinosaurs, where players must navigate through challenges to ensure their species survives.

Game Components of The Dinosaur Game: Survival or Extinction

  • Game board
  • Dinosaur figurines
  • Spinner
  • Cards
  • How To Setup The Dinosaur Game: Survival or Extinction

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a dinosaur figurine and places it on the starting space.
  • Shuffle the cards and place them face down.
  • Spin the spinner to determine the starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns spinning the spinner and moving their dinosaur figurine along the board. The goal is to navigate through obstacles, collect resources, and avoid extinction events to ensure the survival of your species. The game incorporates point-to-point movement and variable player powers to create a dynamic playing experience.

    Player Experience


  • Educational elements make learning fun
  • Variable player powers add strategic depth
  • Appeals to a wide age range
  • Cons:

  • Game can become repetitive after multiple plays
  • Limited player interaction
  • Personal Thoughts on The Dinosaur Game: Survival or Extinction

    “The Dinosaur Game: Survival or Extinction” offers a unique blend of educational and entertainment value. The game’s build quality is decent, with colorful components that appeal to younger players. However, the gameplay may not offer enough depth for more experienced gamers. The game falls into a niche category, making it suitable for families with children interested in dinosaurs and prehistoric themes. The pricing and availability of both new and used copies vary, so it’s worth checking multiple sources before purchasing. Overall, “The Dinosaur Game: Survival or Extinction” is worth considering for families looking for a fun and educational board game, but may not be suitable for hardcore gamers looking for more challenging gameplay.

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