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The Cave (2012) Board Game

The Cave is a board game released in 2012 by designer Adam Kałuża and published by Pegasus Spiele. It is a game of exploration and adventure, where players delve into a mysterious cave in search of treasure. With a modular board and tile placement mechanics, players must navigate through the cave, collect valuable artifacts, and overcome obstacles to win the game.

Game Components of The Cave

  • Modular game board
  • Player boards
  • Action cards
  • Artifact tiles
  • Obstacle tiles
  • Cave tiles
  • Player markers
  • How To Setup The Cave

  • Place the modular board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the artifact tiles and place them face down on the board.
  • Shuffle the obstacle tiles and place them face down on the board.
  • Each player chooses a color and takes a player board and marker.
  • Shuffle the action cards and deal a certain number to each player, depending on the number of players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns moving their markers through the cave, collecting artifacts, and overcoming obstacles using their action cards. The objective is to collect the most valuable artifacts and reach the exit of the cave before time runs out.

    Player Experience


  • Interesting theme of cave exploration
  • Strategic tile placement mechanics
  • Engaging gameplay for 2-5 players
  • Cons

  • Limited replay value
  • Lack of deep strategy compared to other games in the genre
  • Personal Thoughts on The Cave

    The Cave is a decent board game with an intriguing theme and engaging gameplay mechanics. However, it falls short in terms of replay value and depth of strategy. While it can be a fun game to play with friends, it may not hold up to repeated plays for more experienced gamers. The build quality of the components is good, and the artwork by Jarek Nocoń adds to the immersive experience of exploring the cave. In terms of pricing and availability, The Cave can be found both new and used at reasonable prices.

    Overall, The Cave is worth considering for casual gamers who enjoy light strategy games with a focus on exploration. However, more serious gamers may find it lacking in depth and complexity. If you’re a fan of environmental exploration themes and enjoy games with a modular board and tile placement mechanics, The Cave could be a good addition to your collection. For those looking for more challenging and strategic gameplay, there are alternative games in the genre that may be more suitable.

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