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Tesla vs. Edison: War of Currents (2015) Board Game

Tesla vs. Edison: War of Currents is a board game that simulates the famous rivalry between inventors Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison during the late 19th century. Players take on the roles of rival electric companies, competing to dominate the emerging power industry by building power stations, expanding their networks, and investing in new technologies.

Game Components of Tesla vs. Edison: War of Currents

  • Game board
  • Player boards
  • Investor cards
  • Stock certificates
  • Power stations
  • Tokens
  • Money
  • How To Setup Tesla vs. Edison: War of Currents

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Give each player a player board and starting resources.
  • Shuffle the investor cards and place them face down.
  • Distribute stock certificates to players.
  • Place power stations on the board according to setup rules.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns performing actions such as building power stations, expanding their networks, and investing in new technologies. The objective is to earn the most money and prestige by outmaneuvering your opponents and becoming the dominant force in the power industry.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging theme that educates players on the history of electricity
  • Strategic depth with multiple paths to victory
  • Interactive gameplay with player interactions and negotiations
  • Cons

  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Randomness of investor cards can affect gameplay
  • Lengthy playtime may not appeal to casual gamers
  • Personal Thoughts on Tesla vs. Edison: War of Currents

    Tesla vs. Edison: War of Currents offers a unique blend of historical context and strategic gameplay that will appeal to fans of economic and industry-themed board games. While the game has its flaws, such as a steep learning curve and reliance on luck, it provides a rewarding experience for players willing to invest the time to master its mechanics.

    In terms of build quality, the components are well-designed and durable, ensuring longevity for repeated plays. The game’s category of blending bluffing, card game, economic, educational, and industry/manufacturing elements sets it apart from traditional board games.

    Pricing and availability for Tesla vs. Edison: War of Currents may vary, but it can typically be found in stores and online retailers. As for alternatives and similar games, players who enjoy this genre may also like Power Grid or Brass: Birmingham.

    Ultimately, whether Tesla vs. Edison: War of Currents is worth your time depends on your interest in the theme and gameplay mechanics. Fans of strategic board games with a historical twist will likely find it enjoyable, while those looking for a more casual experience may want to skip it.

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