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Tactics II (1958) Board Game

Tactics II is a classic board game that was first released in 1958 by The Avalon Hill Game Company. It falls under the category of modern warfare and is considered a wargame. The game is designed for two players and has a runtime of around 120 minutes. With its focus on strategic gameplay and simulation of combat scenarios, Tactics II has gained a reputation for being a challenging and immersive experience for players.

Game Components of Tactics II

  • Game board with grid movement
  • Dice for combat resolution
  • Counters representing military units
  • Ratio / Combat Results Table for resolving battles
  • Rulebook with detailed instructions and scenarios
  • How To Setup Tactics II

  • Place the game board on a flat surface.
  • Each player chooses a side and places their military units on the designated starting positions.
  • Refer to the Rulebook for any specific setup instructions based on the scenario being played.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Tactics II, players take turns moving their military units across the board and engaging in combat with the enemy forces. The objective is to strategically outmaneuver and defeat the opponent by capturing key territories or achieving specific objectives depending on the scenario being played. Combat is resolved using dice rolls and referencing the Ratio / Combat Results Table to determine the outcome.

    Player Experience


  • Deep strategic gameplay that rewards careful planning and tactical decision-making
  • Immersive simulation of modern warfare scenarios
  • Replay value with multiple scenarios and variability in gameplay outcomes
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players due to the complexity of rules and mechanics
  • Lengthy gameplay sessions may not be suitable for casual players or those looking for a quick game
  • Personal Thoughts on Tactics II

    Tactics II is a timeless classic that offers a challenging and rewarding experience for players who enjoy strategic wargames. The build quality of the game components is solid, and the attention to detail in the design enhances the immersion in the gameplay experience. While the game may not be for everyone due to its complexity and time commitment, for those who appreciate deep strategy and simulation of military conflicts, Tactics II is definitely worth your time.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Tactics II may be more readily found in the secondary market or through online retailers specializing in board games. As an older title, it may require some effort to track down a copy, but the gameplay experience it offers makes it a worthwhile investment for enthusiasts of the genre.

    For those who are new to wargames or prefer lighter gameplay experiences, Tactics II may not be the best fit. However, for seasoned players looking for a challenging and immersive strategic experience, Tactics II is a game that should not be missed. It provides a unique opportunity to engage in historical and hypothetical military conflicts, making it a compelling choice for fans of the genre.

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