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Super-Skill Pinball: Ramp it Up! (2021) Board Game

Super-Skill Pinball: Ramp it Up! is a standalone sequel to the original Super-Skill Pinball: 4-Cade. Designed by Gong Studios and published by WizKids, this dice game brings the excitement of pinball to your tabletop. Released in 2021, it offers a unique blend of strategic decision-making and luck as players try to score points by hitting targets and activating features on their pinball machine boards.

Game Components of Super-Skill Pinball: Ramp it Up!

  • Pinball machine boards
  • Dice
  • Score tracker
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Super-Skill Pinball: Ramp it Up!

  • Choose a pinball machine board.
  • Place dice in the shooter lane.
  • Follow setup instructions for the specific board you have chosen.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns rolling dice to activate different areas of their pinball machine board. By strategically choosing which dice to keep and which to reroll, players aim to score the most points by hitting targets and completing objectives. The game objective is to accumulate the highest score possible by the end of the game.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging gameplay that captures the essence of pinball.
  • Strategic decision-making mixed with luck elements.
  • Solo variant for solo players.
  • Quick gameplay with a runtime of 20 minutes.
  • Cons:

  • Limited replayability with only a few pinball machine boards included.
  • Some players may find the luck-based elements frustrating.
  • Setup and learning curve can be a bit steep for newcomers.
  • Personal Thoughts on Super-Skill Pinball: Ramp it Up!

    Super-Skill Pinball: Ramp it Up! offers a unique twist on traditional board games by simulating the experience of playing pinball. The build quality of the components is top-notch, and the artwork by WizKids adds to the overall immersion. However, the limited replayability and luck-based mechanics may not appeal to all players. The game is priced reasonably for what it offers, but availability of new copies may vary. Overall, it is worth a try for fans of dice games and pinball enthusiasts. Those looking for a strategic challenge may find it enjoyable, while others who prefer a more predictable gameplay experience may want to skip it.

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