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Subtext (2019) Board Game

Subtext is a party game designed by Wolfgang Warsch and released in in 2019. It is a game that revolves around hidden roles, targeted clues, and voting mechanics to create a fun and engaging gameplay experience for 4-8 players.

Game Components of Subtext

  • Game board
  • Notebooks
  • Pencils
  • Role cards
  • Voting cards
  • How To Setup Subtext

  • Shuffle the role cards and deal one to each player.
  • Players will secretly look at their role card and keep it hidden from others.
  • Set up the game board and distribute the notebooks, pencils, and voting cards to all players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players will take turns giving clues to help their teammates guess a secret word without giving away their own identity. After each round of clue-giving, players will vote on who they think is the spy. The game continues until the spy is revealed or the word is guessed correctly.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging gameplay that encourages teamwork and deduction
  • Quick setup and playtime
  • Hidden roles add an element of mystery and suspense to the game
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value once players become familiar with the clues
  • Some players may struggle to come up with effective clues
  • Personal Thoughts on Subtext

    Subtext is a fun and interactive party game that is perfect for gatherings with friends and family. The game’s build quality is solid, with durable components that can withstand multiple playthroughs. While the game may not have the same depth as some other party games on the market, it offers a unique and enjoyable experience for players looking for a light-hearted and entertaining party game.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Subtext is reasonably priced for the amount of enjoyment it provides. Both new and used copies of the game can be found online, making it accessible to a wide range of players.

    For those who enjoy games like Codenames or Spyfall, Subtext is definitely worth your time. It offers a similar experience with its hidden role mechanics and clue-giving gameplay. However, players who prefer more strategic and complex party games may find Subtext to be too simplistic for their tastes. Overall, Subtext is a great addition to any game night rotation and is recommended for players looking for a fun and engaging party game experience.

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