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Storm Above the Reich (2021) Board Game

Storm Above the Reich is a tactical air war game set during World War II, focusing on the air battles over the Reich in 1943. Players take on the role of either a German or Allied pilot, commanding their squadrons in intense dogfights and bombing raids. The game provides a detailed and historically accurate simulation of the challenges faced by pilots during this period.

Game Components of Storm Above the Reich

  • Rulebook
  • Game board
  • Player aids
  • Aircraft counters
  • Damage markers
  • Mission cards
  • Dice
  • How To Setup Storm Above the Reich

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses their side (German or Allied) and takes the corresponding aircraft counters and player aids.
  • Shuffle the mission cards and place them face down on the table.
  • Place the damage markers and dice within reach of all players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    The gameplay of Storm Above the Reich revolves around strategic decision-making, dice rolling, and simulated air combat tactics. Players must manage their squadrons, plan their missions, and engage in dogfights to achieve their objectives. The game objective varies depending on the scenario being played, but typically involves completing missions, shooting down enemy aircraft, and avoiding damage to your own planes.

    Player Experience


  • Immersive and historically accurate gameplay
  • Challenging and strategic decision-making
  • Solo gameplay option for those who prefer to play alone
  • Cons

  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Luck-based dice rolling may frustrate some players
  • Personal Thoughts on Storm Above the Reich

    Storm Above the Reich is a well-designed and engaging wargame that offers a deep dive into the air battles of World War II. The game’s components are of high quality, and the attention to detail in historical accuracy is commendable. However, the game may not be suitable for casual players due to its complexity and steep learning curve. Overall, if you are a fan of aviation history and enjoy tactical wargames, Storm Above the Reich is definitely worth your time. It is recommended for enthusiasts of the genre, but those looking for a more casual gaming experience may want to skip this one.

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