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Stalingrad Solitaire (2021) Board Game

Stalingrad Solitaire is a board game that is set during World War II, specifically focusing on the Battle of Stalingrad. This battle was a major turning point in the war and is known for its brutal and intense fighting between the German and Soviet forces. The game aims to simulate the challenges faced by the Soviet defenders as they try to hold off the German advance.

Game Components of Stalingrad Solitaire

  • Game board
  • Rulebook
  • Dice
  • Counters representing units and markers
  • Reference cards
  • How To Setup Stalingrad Solitaire

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Set up the counters representing units according to the scenario being played.
  • Use the dice to determine starting conditions and reinforcements.
  • Follow the setup instructions in the rulebook for specific details.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Stalingrad Solitaire, players take on the role of the Soviet defenders and must strategically deploy their units to hold off the German advance. The game uses dice rolling and movement points to simulate the flow of battle. The objective is to prevent the Germans from capturing key locations and ultimately defeat them.

    Player Experience


  • Immersive theme that captures the intensity of the Battle of Stalingrad.
  • Challenging gameplay that requires strategic thinking and planning.
  • Solo play option makes it a great choice for solo gamers.
  • Cons

  • High complexity level may be intimidating for new players.
  • Lengthy runtime may not be suitable for players looking for quick gameplay sessions.
  • Personal Thoughts on Stalingrad Solitaire

    Stalingrad Solitaire is a well-designed wargame that offers a deep and immersive experience for players interested in World War II history. The game’s components are of high quality, and the artwork is well-done. However, the game’s high complexity level may be a barrier for some players, and the lengthy runtime may not be suitable for all gaming preferences. Overall, Stalingrad Solitaire is worth considering for players who enjoy challenging wargames and are looking for a solo gaming experience. It may not be the best choice for casual gamers or those seeking quick gameplay sessions.

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