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Squillo: Marchettari Sprovveduti (2014) Board Game

Squillo: Marchettari Sprovveduti is a card game designed by Martina Poli and released in in 2014. The game is known for its humor and mature/adult themes, making it a great choice for game nights with friends who enjoy a good laugh.

Game Components of Squillo: Marchettari Sprovveduti

  • Deck of cards
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Squillo: Marchettari Sprovveduti

  • Shuffle the deck of cards.
  • Deal a certain number of cards to each player, depending on the number of players.
  • Follow the rules outlined in the rulebook to determine the starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Squillo: Marchettari Sprovveduti is a deck-building game where players aim to outwit their opponents by playing the right cards at the right time. The objective is to be the last player standing by eliminating all other players through strategic card play.

    Player Experience


  • Quick gameplay, perfect for short game sessions.
  • Humorous and entertaining cards that keep players engaged.
  • Easy to learn rules make it accessible for new players.
  • Cons

  • Limited replay value, as the humor may wear off after multiple plays.
  • The game may not be suitable for all audiences due to its mature themes.
  • Personal Thoughts on Squillo: Marchettari Sprovveduti

    Squillo: Marchettari Sprovveduti is a fun and entertaining game that is best enjoyed with a group of friends who appreciate its humor. The game’s build quality is decent, and the artwork is well done. However, the pricing and availability of the game may vary, so it’s worth checking online retailers for both new and used copies.

    Overall, Squillo: Marchettari Sprovveduti is worth your time if you enjoy card games with mature themes and humor. It’s recommended for adults aged 18 and above who are looking for a lighthearted game to play with friends. However, if you prefer more family-friendly games or are easily offended by mature content, Squillo may not be the best choice for you.

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