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Space Battle Lunchtime Card Game (2020) Board Game

Space Battle Lunchtime Card Game is based on the comic book series of the same name by Natalie Riess. The game was released in 2020 and is designed for 2-5 players, with a recommended age of 10 and up. The game is published by Oni Games and Renegade Game Studios, known for their quality board games and card games.

Game Components of Space Battle Lunchtime Card Game

  • Cards featuring various ingredients and dishes
  • Player tokens
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Space Battle Lunchtime Card Game

  • Shuffle the deck of ingredient cards.
  • Each player is dealt a hand of cards.
  • Place the player tokens in the center of the table.
  • Follow the rules for setting up the game board according to the rulebook.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Space Battle Lunchtime Card Game, players take on the role of chefs competing in a cooking competition in space. The objective is to collect ingredients and complete dishes to earn points and win the competition. Players must strategically manage their hand of cards and use them to create the best dishes.

    Player Experience


  • Unique theme of cooking competition in space
  • Strategic gameplay with hand management and card drafting
  • Artwork and design that captures the comic book style
  • Cons:

  • May not appeal to players who are not fans of the comic book series
  • Limited replay value for some players
  • Personal Thoughts on Space Battle Lunchtime Card Game

    Space Battle Lunchtime Card Game offers a fun and engaging experience for fans of the comic book series. The gameplay mechanics provide a good balance of strategy and luck, making each game session exciting and unpredictable. The build quality of the game components is sturdy and durable, ensuring that the game will last for many plays. The pricing for the game may vary, but it is generally affordable and worth the investment for fans of card games and comic books.

    Overall, Space Battle Lunchtime Card Game is a unique addition to any board game collection, offering a thematic and enjoyable experience for players of all ages. It is recommended for fans of the comic book series and those looking for a light and fun card game to play with friends and family. Players who enjoy games with hand management and card drafting mechanics will find Space Battle Lunchtime Card Game to be a worthwhile addition to their game night rotation.

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